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Derma Protect + Innovation GmbH
Division Metalworking

Siemensstrasse 6
88048 Friedrichshafen
Tel.: +49 (0)7541-591224
Fax: +49 (0)7541-591225

ISO 9001 farbe en


Since 2001 dpi Metalworking® is a pioneer in the field of oil- and solvent-free coolant. The knowledge that state of the art machining processes require more cooling and heat dissipation then decreasing friction forces through lubrication becomes more and more accepted. Modern processing methods, high-efficiency tools, high coolant pressure and new raw materials are the challenges of today.  Besides this, sustainability and efficiency are required by the processing industry and the society.
Through continuing innovation and cooperation with renowned universities and accepted research laboratories we developed a completely new coolant without conventional ingredients such as mineral oil and/or ester. Thereby no emulsifiers are required which significantly improves the stability of our products with respect to microbial infestation or at mechanical stress (Coolant pressure > 80 bar). These are real solutions, which are not affected in centrifuge or ultrafiltration.
The outstanding cooling effect and purging properties are leading to the fact that our product lines SGF® (Special Grinding Fluid) and SMF® (Special Metalworking Fluid) are superior to conventional water-based products especially in the field of grinding and machining of high-alloyed material and titan. Thus, higher cutting speeds or a higher material removal rate are often possible while at the same time extended tool life is possible.
The residue behavior of the products often makes it possible to process parts (e. g. powders, anodizing or welding) without further washing processes. If even higher degrees of cleanliness are required, only a minimal wash is often necessary, since the solutions are completely reversibly soluble.
The products have been developed based on substances which are also used in the food and cosmetics industry. They are toxicologically safe and dermatologically tested. They are completely biodegradable and non-combustible. As with proper use a microbiological contamination is practically impossible and the products hardly develop inherent odor. Therefore, odor problems are a thing of the past when using SGF® und SMF®.

You are now wondering what differentiates our cooling lubricant from conventional emulsions. For this purpose, we have compared the properties of both fluids.

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