REACh – New chemicals regulation (EG) No.1907/2006
REACh (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals) is the shortcut for the new chemicals regulation (EU) Nr. 1907/2006 of the European parliament and council from December 18, 2006. It has been in force since June 1st, 2007.
REACh stands for the registration, evaluation and authorization of chemicals. Of the approximately 50 million substances known today are about 100,000 of industrial importance. Only a fraction of these chemicals are examined for their health and environmental relevance, have been subjected to an authorization procedure or an ecotoxicological assessment. The purpose of the EU directive is to make up for all substances which have already been used in technical applications for a long time.
Derma Protect + Innovation GmbH works closely together with all its suppliers in the REACh area and wants to ensure that all chemicals that are traded or processed, are in accordance with future requirements and are declared and registered in compliance with the schedules set by REACh in the respectively required classes of DPI.
Timely action concerning the REACh regulation means that we, as a chemical product supplier, are up-to-date and are able to ensure supplies conforming to the law after each respective regulation comes into effect.